
Saturday 9 July 2011

    Back to the tent with the samples of a day out safely stored in glass jars

Beauty is in the eye of the shrimp lavae

One and a half mm long!
This shrimp was collected again same place as the plaice red dotted markings reminiscent
of those highly decorative caterpillars you see on a balmy summer evening

Pond Babies

In a lancashire terrace yard there was a built up pond with the usual fish and lilies. New fish and plants bring in unexpected visitors so it seemed theat overnight there was a plague of duckweed.

Imagine one leaf from a strand of duckweed then magnify it to one cell
then amazingly within that one cell appears a family of dark eyed grublings.This is my most favourite photo to date.Even more stunning on a 38inch screen

A Day Ends

 Losing the light so away with the microscope and out with the telescope. Is there no end to the pleasure?

Friday 24 June 2011

A Single scale from a butterfly wing recovered after the photos were taken reminds me of a pine cone seed

The Collection Point

         The sea sample was taken at low tide on the left
Tail fin

Anal fin